Photo of Tuffnuts Marcus

Eng Ch Tuffnuts Marcus

Sex: M
Breeder: Mrs D Thorpe
Owner: Mrs D Thorpe

Inbreeding Coefficient: 5.40075%
Generations Ancestors
Searched Full Found % Possible Common Unique
10 4 810 39% 92 295

Pedigree of Tuffnuts Marcus
© Wimsey Bulldogs 1997
1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation
Eng Ch Denbrough Leander Eng Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer Castizo Albermar Blazeaway Protector of Copperfield Eng Ch Milord of the Regions
Guests Pride
Wicked Lady Eng Ch Cannertons Rougie
Lady Dawn
Canford Rebecca Chieftain of Drivedale Bragdon Boy
Up Spirits
Overfen Anne Kippax Pippin
Eastgate Cluny
Castizo Manuela Castizo Carlos Intl Ch Eastgate Stalwart Bosun Lord Lancaster
Stalwart Miss Mandy
Castizo Carmen El Guarda
Castizo Carlotta
Castizo Consuelo Eng Ch Baron of Blythome Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Allithorne Affshaw
Castizo Carlotta Eng Ch Maelor Illustrious
Rose of Blacker
Blythome Basket Eng Ch Baron of Blythome Tredgold Gaius Caligula Broadford Happy Wanderer Eng Ch Maelor Solarium
Broadford Popper
Tredgold Rosebud Leodride Ace
Judy's Susan
Allithorne Affshaw Yeolden Cuprum
Allithorne Duskie
Surprize of Barduri Intl Ch Qualco Marksman Tredgold Gaius Caligula Broadford Happy Wanderer
Tredgold Rosebud
Qualco Solitaire Qualco Achievement
Sungarth Selena
Blockbuster Truly Yours Blockbuster No Bush Boy Bunter
Blockbuster Rachel Marjon
Blockbuster Square Root

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