Bulldog Pedigree Search

An Internet service provided by Wimsey Bulldogs

If you would like to have a dog or a picture added to the database, please complete Database Submission Form or send a JPEG image of your dog as an attachment.

The original database materials are a combination of databases provided by Ed Scully, Carla Smith and Beth Handrick. This site would not be possible without their many hours of hard work and data entry.

You can also check out our faster search by clicking here

It only takes a few simple steps to display your Bulldog pedigree.

Select the number of generations you will want displayed in the pedigree. For most computer printers printing in Landscape mode, 5 generations is the best choice.
Enter the name, or partial name, of the Bulldog to search for.
  • If you use slow search, entering "Win" will find all Bulldogs whose names contain the letters "Win", including all those containing "Winsome" or "Winston". Slow search is more thorough and accurate.
  • If you use fast search, you must provide a full word (not a partial word) for matches to show up; for example, entering "Win" will find all Bulldogs whose names contain the word "Win" but would not find those whose names contain "Winnie" or "Winnefred". For more successful searches, please use a word longer than 3 letters.
Select which database to use:
Bulldogs database, over 44,000 entries. Last updated 6-23-2006.
Perform fast search by full word.
Perform slow search by partial word, full word, or multiple words.
Click on the "Search Now" button below. This will begin the search. The database is quite large, so do not be alarmed if it takes a minute to see the list of matches.

Copyright © 1998-2006 Alfirin Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Page created by: Wimsey Bulldogs.
Changes last made on: Fri June 23 2006 EST.