Photo of Tyrants Just Hubert

Tyrants Just Hubert

Sex: M
DOB: 03-21-80
Color: White
Breeder: Mr P Ralphes
Owner: Mr P Ralphes

Inbreeding Coefficient: 27.19819%
Generations Ancestors
Searched Full Found % Possible Common Unique
10 6 1218 59% 198 265

Pedigree of Tyrants Just Hubert
© Wimsey Bulldogs 1997
1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation
Ellesmere Autocrat Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount Red Victor Worthy Nero of Barabull Brujowen Jiminy Cricket
Sally of Hale
Dorjac Darling Red Samson
Jacdor Jewel
Ellesmere Princess Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Little Secret
Alvic Abundance Qualco Achievement
La Princess
Eng Ch Ellesmere Countess Eng Ch Denbrough Leander Eng Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer Castizo Albermar Blazeaway
Canford Rebecca
Castizo Manuela Castizo Carlos
Castizo Consuelo
Eng Ch Ellesmere Duchess Red Victor Worthy Nero of Barabull
Dorjac Darling
Ellesmere Princess Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain
Alvic Abundance
Smartset Solitaire Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount Red Victor Worthy Nero of Barabull Brujowen Jiminy Cricket
Sally of Hale
Dorjac Darling Red Samson
Jacdor Jewel
Ellesmere Princess Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Little Secret
Alvic Abundance Qualco Achievement
La Princess
Joys Jubilee Horus of Denbrough Eng Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget of Denbrough Eng Ch Denbrough Leander
Beechlyn Carmen of Barabull
What About Me Eng Ch Waggy of the Regions
Tyrants Mary Poppins
Ellesmere Baroness Eng Ch Ellesmere Viscount Red Victor
Ellesmere Princess
Eng Ch Ellesmere Countess Eng Ch Denbrough Leander
Eng Ch Ellesmere Duchess

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