Composition of the Royal Deuxponts Regiment

At the time the Royal Deux-Ponts served in America (1780-83) its composition was fixed by Ordinance of March 25,1776. The asterisk (*) indicates those officers "whom his Majesty has judged fitting to created by the present Ordonnance". Infantry regiments consisted of two battalions each with four fusilier companies. There was also one grenadier company, one chasseur company, one auxiliary (supply or reserve) company. The auxiliary company, a small cadre of officers and men, stayed in France for recruiting and forwarding of supplies. The companies were identified by the names of their captain and their location in the line was determined by the seniority of their captain.

The etat-major, of the regiment, consisted of a colonel-commandant, a colonel-in-second *, a lieutenant-colonel, a major, a quarter-master treasurer, two flag bearers, an adjutant, a surgeon-major, a chaplain, a drum-major, and a gunsmith. The adjutant "fills all the duties which were filled by the aide-majors and the sub-aid- majors....all sergeant-majors of the companies are subordinate to him". The colonel-in-second is proprietary of a company of fusiliers in the 1st battalion and the lieutenant-colonel of a fusilier company in the 2nd battalion. The sale of these positions was in the process of progressive extinction during this time. The position (proprietaire) will have been completely absorbed before the revolution.

The company officers were a captain, a captain-in-second, a first lieutenant, a lieutenant in second, and two sublieutenants. The adjutant "fills all the duties which were filled by the aide-majors and the sub-aid- majors....all sergent-majors of the companies are subordinate to him". The N.C.O.'s of the fusilier and chasseur companies consisted of a Sergeant-major, a fourrer-scribe*, five sergeants, ten corporals, and a frater* (barber-surgeon). The Sergeant-major is entrusted above the other sergeants, who are subordinate to him, with all the details of service and discipline under the orders of the company officers. Each company also had a cadet gentilhomme*, two drummers and a fifer "or other instrument": clarinet or oboe plus 144 fusilers or chasseurs. The grenadier company had a Sergeant-major, a fourrer-scribe, four sergeants, eight corporals, a cadet gentilhome*, a frater*, 84 grenadiers, two drummers or "other instrument"

The regiments that served in America were never at this strength as General Rochambeau was instructed to load only 1000 men per regiment.

Arrayed in line of battle the regiment is deployed in three ranks, with the First Battalion on the right and the Second Battalion on the left. If not detached for special duty, the Grenadier company held the right of the first battalion, and the Chausser company the left of the second battalion. Each company was divided in to right and left pelotons. The company was also divided into four sections numbered one to four from right to left across the company.

The regiment carried two flags. The Colonel's Flag was carried in the third section of the Colonels company, second company from the right, in the First Battalion. The Regimental Flag was carried in the second section of the Lieutenant Colonel's company, second company from the left in the second battalion. The guard for each flag consisted of the first sergeant and the two senior corporals from each company in the battalion. The Grenadier and Chausser companies did not contribute men to the Flag Guards.

This information has been taken from an article in a supplement to the Carnet de la Sabretache 1976/34 by F. BUTTNER and the Ordinance of March 25, 1776 which is so detailed that you can place every officer and N.C.O. in his proper position when in line of battle.